A Time for Action

A Time for Action

It has been a while since my last post.  Too long in fact.  It seems like after I finished answering the questions of the 7 day blog challenge I lost my momentum.   Well it is time to get back to it.   In reviewing the content on the LYL website this morning one of the questions asked was to reflect on what is holding you back from reaching your dreams?   After thinking about this for a while my list includes procrastination, perfectionism and thinking of too many ideas, but not acting on any of them.

As a result I am re-dedicating myself to this blog as a start and committing to a minimum of one post a week.  A few of the ideas I have been thinking of lately include creating a small travel book for the Colorado Springs area, getting aggresive on my goal to become fluent in Spanish, and building and teaching a computer literacy class.   I will start with these three things and report my progress as I I continue my quest to find my passion and Live my Legend.   Cheers Ben

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